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Buncombe County - Ongoing State of Emergency

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State of Emergency

Learn how to be prepared

Assumed Names (DBA)

An Assumed Business Name Certificate or “doing business as’ (DBA) form, once recorded, notifies the public that you are doing business in any or all North Carolina counties under a particular name.

A Certificate of Assumed Name or “doing business as” (DBA) form can be recorded in our office by individuals or entities conducting business in Buncombe County, multiple counties or all 100 counties in North Carolina. A sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, LLC or corporation engaged in business in Buncombe County under a different assumed name might consider recording a DBA form at the Buncombe County Register of Deeds Office. In many cases, a financial institution will require this form be recorded in order to open a business account. Please consult a business advisor or an attorney if you have questions about whether recording this form is required for your business.

The Assumed Business Name Certificate, Amendment and Withdrawal Forms are available below in fillable PDF format for your convenience. Please make sure all information is accurate, typed or printed legibly and please follow instructions included with the form.

The fee for recording is $26.00. Please leave a blank 3” margin at the top of the page and ¼” for all other borders. A document not meeting these standards may be subject to a $25.00 non-standard fee.

You may bring the original document in person or mail in the original, signed form to Register of Deeds, 205 College Street, Asheville, NC 28801. If submitting via mail, payment by check or money order is accepted.


Please be aware that all Certificates of Assumed Name filed before December 1, 2017, will have an expiration date of December 1, 2022, according to NC House Bill 228.

If you have filed an assumed name in the past or will file one before December 1, 2017 and intend to continue engaging in business in North Carolina using the assumed name on or after December 1, 2022, you must file a new Assumed Business Name Certificate form as required by the new law.

Assumed Business Name Certificates filed on or after December 1, 2017, will not expire under the new law.

Fees & Payment Types

Assumed Names (DBA) Fees

$26.00 for each document.

Payment Types

  • Credit/Debit
  • Personal Checks
  • Money Orders
  • Cash

Note: Please make personal checks, or money orders payable to Register of Deeds.

Locate & Contact

Register of Deeds Office


Birth, Death & Marriage Records
P: (828) 250-4300
F: (828) 250-4333

Recording / Real Estate / Assumed Business
P: (828) 250-4302

Help Desk
P: (828) 250-4303

Línea Telefónica En Español
P: (828) 250-4307

Register of Deeds
205 College Street
Asheville, NC 28801

Find Parking

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.