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New Zoom Pass Partner: Experience Sim Racing at The Track Free With Your Library ZOOM Pass

Ever wondered what it's like to drive a racecar? Buncombe County Public Libraries has added The Track at Asheville as a new ZOOM partner. Each ZOOM pass will give up to four drivers 30 minutes of hot laps in a standard rig (race simulator) at The Track. Utilizing state-of-the-art hardware and software, you can choose your car, track, and conditions to experience the thrill of driving racecars around simulated tracks all over the world. No experience is necessary.

ZOOM passes at The Track require two things:

  1. You need to book a ZOOM pass on the Library’s website.
  2. You will also need to visit The Track’s website and use the reservation code provided to reserve your seat.

You are responsible for booking your timed reservation and you will need to bring your ZOOM pass to The Track to use your reservation. You can only drive if you have a ZOOM pass and a reservation. ZOOM passes for The Track are for ages 8 and up.


If you have any questions or need a library card to start ZOOMing, just let us know

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Updated Nov 14, 2023 08:04 AM
Published Nov 14, 2023 07:55 AM