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Commissioners Hear Update on Water Outage and Plan for Independent Review, Receive Economic Update, Approve $.39 Waste Pro Monthly Increase

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Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer joined the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners at its Jan. 3, 2023 meeting to provide an update on the water outage. As of the update, nearly all water outages had been restored, with attention focused on those locations in the western part of the County still without water. The mayor also shared plans to appoint an independent water outage review committee to assess infrastructure needs, establish what can be done to prevent future water outages, and improve response efforts. The Asheville City Council will discuss the creation of the proposed review committee at its Jan. 10 meeting. Buncombe County Emergency Services also provided an overview of the County’s support during the water situation.

The Board also heard a Strategic Plan Vibrant Economy economic update from a 2022 meeting. The follow-up included updates to wages, poverty information, and affordable housing.

In new business, the Board approved a Waste Pro fee increase of $.39 per home, per month beginning Jan. 3, 2023. The increase partially covers the rising recycling processing costs and new educational materials. To reduce contaminants, Waste Pro customers should use their recycling carts, placing only loose items in the carts with no plastic bags (including blue bags). The new rate is $22.55 per month.

Commissioners also authorized the execution of a non-warranty deed to Pete Gasperson for three lots off Summit Avenue and approved a budget amendment for emergency rental assistance.

Representatives from Mountain Area Ground Non-Emergency Transportation (MAGNET) presented an overview on proposed plans to bring a convalescent ambulance franchise to Buncombe County. Currently, there is only one private ambulance transport service in Buncombe County. When convalescent services are not available, 911 ambulances are used to provide transportation. The proposed addition of convalescent service will meet rising demand for this type of transportation and free up 911 units to respond to emergent calls for service. Commissioners will take action on this item at their Jan. 17 meeting.

Click here for the full agenda and supporting items. The Board of Commissioners will meet next on Jan. 17, 2023.

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Updated Jan 04, 2023 08:48 AM
Published Jan 03, 2023 07:00 PM