Private property and commerical business owners in Buncombe County, the City of Asheville, and the Town of Black Mountain impacted by Hurricane Helene, have two free options for debris removal.
Owners who cannot take their private or commercial business property debris to the right of way (ROW) for pickup and who do not have debris removal insurance or have inadaquate debris removal insurance, may apply to have qualified disaster debris removed from their property for FREE through the Private and Commercial Property Debris Removal (PPDR) Program. The program also covers the demolition of eligible unsafe structures on both private and commercial business properties.
How long with the process take?
The PPDR program requires a very thorough process to determine eligibility on private and commercial business properties. Hurricane Helene created an estimated 10 million cubic yards of debris in Buncombe County. Debris removal will be a lengthy process and we appreciate everyone’s collaboration as we begin to clean up our homes, businesses and communities.
What types of debris and demoltion are eligible under the commercial and PPDR program?
- Removal of hazardous limbs, trees, or other mixed debris caused by Hurricane Helene that is near a commonly used area or maintained areas of a private or commercial business property.
- Removal of debris impacting a waterway.
- The demolition and removal of a structure that is a health hazard, deemed unfit/unsafe, and may not be recoverable, or is in threat of collapse on a private or commercial business property. This may include concrete slabs.
What is NOT eligible under the program?
- Debris on vacant lots, unimproved property, and unused or unmaintained areas of commercial/business or private property.
- Debris on land used primarily for agricultural purposes, such as land for crops or livestock on commercial/business or private property.
What is an ROE and why would I need to submit one?
A Right of Entry (ROE) form, signed by all property or business owners, is legally required before contractors providing PPDR and/or demolition can access the owner’s private or commercial business property. A right-of-entry is a voluntary document. Your land is private, and it is your decision to grant access. You may withdraw from the program at any time prior to the start of debris removal or demolition activities on your property.
If your property is in a trust, the signatory authority will need to sign and you will need to bring the trust paperwork.
If one of the owners has passed away, a death certificate will need to be provided.
To see if you are eligible for debris removal or demolition of unsafe structures on your private or commercial business property, visit one of the PPDR application centers across the county:
- Barnardsville Fire Department Station 15, 100 Dillingham Rd., Wed.-Sat., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Swannanoa Fire Rescue, 510 Bee Tree Road, Wed.-Sat., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Fairview Library, 1 Taylor Road, Fairview, Monday-Friday., 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Co-located with the FEMA Disaster Recovery Center)
- Black Mountain Library, 105 N Dougherty St., Wed-Sat. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Click here for the online application. Watch this how-to video for tips on how to complete it.
Please have these documents readily available when you apply (see video on required documents):
- A copy of your insurance policy and proof/statement of loss from the company (if insured)
- A color copy of your driver’s license or valid U.S. government-issued ID (such as a passport)
- Proof of ownership such as a warranty deed, tax assessment, etc. for private property, OR
- Your business's Articles of Organization listing you the registered agent if for a commercial property
- A simple sketch of the private or commercial business property identifying the locations of debris (hand-drawn is fine).
For more information on the PPDR and other debris questions, call the One Buncombe hotline, 828-250-6100, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., and select option “2.”