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Input Needed: Federal Transportation Plan Seeks Feedback

The French Broad River Metropolitan Planning Organization (FBRMPO) is working on its long-range regional transportation plan and kicking off its first round of public input with three upcoming meetings. Learn more below.

The following information is from the French Broad River Metropolitan Planning Organization (FBRMPO):

(Asheville, NC) - The French Broad River MPO's Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), Elevate 2050, will be kicking off the first phase of public input opportunities for the plan in August. The MTP is a federally-required transportation plan for urbanized areas with a population over 50,000 and helps to guide transportation decision-making and multimodal priorities for the region. The plan is scoped to include four phases of public input over the next (roughly) year. The first phase is focused on developing a Vision & Goals for the region. The Vision & Goals that are developed will be used to help evaluate potential transportation projects for inclusion in the plan. . .so we want to hear from YOU and from your network! 

The three public meetings for the first phase of the plan include:

  • Friday, Aug. 2 from 9-11 a.m.
    Where: Henderson County Public Library
    301 N Washington Street - Hendersonville, NC
  • Friday, Aug. 2 from 3-5 p.m.
    Where: Mars Hill Town Hall
    280 North Main Street - Mars Hill, NC
  • Tuesday, Aug. 6 4-7 p.m.
    Where: North Asheville Public Library
    1030 Merrimon Avenue - Asheville, NC

Additional details and opportunities to provide input on the MTP will be announced soon. 

If you are unable to attend the meetings but would like to provide feedback, surveys are available in both English and Spanish below:

Additional information can also be found on the Elevate 2050 website here.

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Updated Jul 31, 2024 12:32 PM
Published Jul 31, 2024 12:21 PM