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Buncombe County Sports Park Dog Park Closure

Buncombe County Sports Park dog park located at 58 Apac Drive will be closing for an extended period of time due to hydroseeding for grass maintenance. The closure will begin on April 24.  

Hydroseeding is a process used to build lush, healthy grass. It involves spraying a mixture of seeds, fertilizer, mulch, and water onto the ground. This mixture helps promote quick growth of grass and vegetation. The extended closure gives the grass seed time to sprout and grow. Buncombe County Parks & Recreation will continue to update the public on the status of the dog park via text alerts.  

Hydroseeding effectively addresses muddy patches, especially in high-traffic areas such as the dog park. By reducing muddy conditions, the dog park will be a more enjoyable environment for dog park guests.  

To sign up for Buncombe County Sports Park dog park text alerts, text BCAlert to 99411 and follow the process to create an account. Be sure to select “Buncombe County Sports Park Dog Park” under the additional notifications tab.  

For any additional information, please email or call (828) 250-4260. 

Hominy Creek Stream Bank Stabilization at Buncombe County Sports Park 

In addition to the dog park improvements, Metropolitan Sewerage District (MSD) will also be performing stream bank stabilization work along approximately 175 linear feet of the bank for Hominy Creek in the Buncombe County Sports Park. This work is necessary to protect the existing MSD sewer system from erosion of the subject creek bank, which has occurred recently.  

Work on the sewer project is expected to begin on or near Monday, April 22, 2024. The work includes transporting rock and other materials to the site and restoring the stream bank with these materials as needed to add protection to prevent the bank from future erosion.  

The anticipated work time is three weeks depending on weather and other factors. Fencing and other measures will be in place during this activity to maintain separation between the construction work zone and the public using the park facilities. Park activities will not be impacted by this project. 

For questions regarding the MSD project, please contact Mike Stamey at (828) 225-8262 or R.L. Haynes at (828) 284-7804. 


El departamento de Parques y Recreación del Condado de Buncombe cerrará temporeramente temporalmente una sección del parque para perros del Parque Deportivo  del Condado de Buncombe durante aproximadamente tres semanas, a partir del 24 de abril, con el fin de llevar a cabo la hidrosiembra, que es un proceso utilizado para establecer un césped exuberante y saludable. Consiste en rociar el suelo con una mezcla de semillas, abono, mantillo y agua. Esta mezcla favorece el rápido crecimiento de la hierba y vegetación. Además, la hidrosiembra utiliza hierbas nativas  en la mezcla de semillas, lo que fomenta la biodiversidad la cual crea un hábitat y fuente de alimento para polinizadores.

La hidrosiembra resuelve con eficacia los fangales, especialmente en zonas muy transitadas como el parque para perros. Ayuda a reducir la aparición de zonas lodosas, lo que creará un entorno más agradable para los usuarios del parque y sus amigos peludos.

Para más información, envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al (828) 250-4260.

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Updated Apr 24, 2024 12:15 PM
Published Apr 03, 2024 11:00 AM

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