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Need to Appeal Your Property Values? We're Here For You.

a woman's hand does paperwork with a wooden house in the background

Did you know?

All taxpayers have the right to appeal the assessed value of their property. Taxpayers may appeal their assessments informally to Buncombe County Property Assessment or formally to the Board of Equalization and Review (BOER). For both, you are encouraged to submit documentation as to why the assessed value does not reflect fair market value and/or to provide additional information about property characteristics that may influence the assessed value.

There is no charge to file an appeal. It’s important to remember appeals only pertain to the assessed value; appeals based solely on county or municipal tax rates cannot be considered.

Why appeal?

No matter how thorough and fair a reappraisal may be, there are still instances when only the property owner has all the information necessary for an accurate appraisal. A relatively easy appeal process is in place to help. According to North Carolina General Statute, the property owner has the burden of proving the property under appeal is incorrectly valued.

Start an informal appeal

  1. Visit to start your appeal
  2. Enter your property address into the search tool to find your property information page
  3. Click view your parcel to see your property information page
  4. Click review data to see your property record card.

From there you can start an informal appeal. You can also request a form from our office and mail it in.

The property owner’s appeal must be completed and returned within the specified timeframe and must include information to support the owner’s opinion of value. Appeals should be started  within 30 days of the date you receive the notice. This gives the appraiser time to review and respond to your appeal in a timely manner.

Formal appeals

The second step in the appeal process is to file a formal appeal with the Board of Equalization and Review within 30 days from the date of the informal appeal notice. After submission of the formal appeal by the property owner, an Assessor’s Office appraiser will contact the property owner to discuss the value and verify information supplied. Should the owner not agree with the appraiser’s opinion of value, the formal appeal will be scheduled and presented to the Board of Equalization and Review. Both property owner and appraisal staff will present to the Board of Equalization and Review. The Board of Equalization and Review will review and make a decision. That decision will be mailed to the property owner within 30 days of the date of the Board meeting.

The third step in the appeal process arises if the property owner does not agree with the decision made by the Board of Equalization and Review. The property owner may, within 30 days of the date on the notice from the Board of Equalization and Review, file an appeal with the North Carolina Property Tax Commission. These appeals will be heard in Raleigh, North Carolina. An appellant must file an appeal with the Board of Equalization and Review before filing with the North Carolina Property Tax Commission.

The final step in the appeal process occurs when the appellant does not agree with the decision from the North Carolina Property Tax Commission and appeals to the North Carolina Court of Appeals and North Carolina Supreme Court.

If you have any questions, please contact the Buncombe County Assessor’s Office, (828) 250-4940.


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Updated Feb 23, 2024 02:34 PM
Published Feb 19, 2024 11:00 AM

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