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Stitching Stuffies: Stuffed Animal Repair Classes for Kids

Got a stuffed animal that's seen better days but is still an important part of someone's life? Check out this new library program for teaching kids about repair!

The library will have a total of four (totally free) workshops where children ages 7-10 will learn simple stitches they can use to repair stuffed animals. Children can bring in their own stuffed animals with torn fabric or a ripped seam, and following a brief lesson, will complete their own repairs under the guidance of expert sewists. If a child doesn't have a stuffed animal, then we'll provide one for them. Every child will go home with a stuffed animal that they fixed themselves. 

These workshops are meant to empower children with the ideas and skills to fix their things. A stuffed animal they cherish can be a daily reminder of their own ability to make their world a little bit better. 

The Stitching Stuffies schedule is:

  • Pack Memorial Library
    Thursday, February 22 from 4:30 to 6pm
    Saturday, March 9 from 10:30am to 12noon
  • West Asheville Library
    Wednesday, March 6 from 4:30 to 6pm
    Saturday, March 23 from 12:30pm to 2pm

These events are free, but you do need to register. Sign up for any one of our four events here.

This pilot program is co-sponsored by Buncombe County Public Libraries, the WNC Repair Café, and funded by a grant from, with the goal of creating lesson plans for use in the environmental education efforts of public schools. 

Do you have any stuffed animals you'd like to donate?  We have collection bins at both Pack Children's Library and West Asheville Library.  Do you have a large lot you're willing to share? Send an email to

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Updated Feb 16, 2024 10:59 AM
Published Feb 16, 2024 10:40 AM