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CARE Committee Planning for Older Americans Month

Older Americans Month

Each May, the Administration for Community Living leads the nation in observing Older Americans Month.  The theme for 2023 is “Aging Unbound”. This year’s theme is an opportunity to celebrate the many contributions older adults bring to the community, explore the diversity in aging among older adults, and shatter the stereotypes about aging.  It’s time to “Reframe Aging”!

The Cultural Awareness Recognition and Education (CARE) Committee is planning a program for Older Americans Month.  One portion of the program will feature older adults in a video describing their aging experience, the benefits of aging, how they stay engaged in their community, and what they need as they age. Questions that may be asked include:

  • What would you like people to know about aging? 
  • How is your aging experience different from others?
  • What are the benefits of aging? 
  • What is one myth about aging that you would like to share?
  • What are the most important lessons you have learned in life?
  • What are some activities you do for fun and/or to help your community?
  • What are some essentials that you need as you age that aren’t being met by the community?

The Cultural Awareness Recognition and Education (CARE) Committee would like to recognize and honor the diverse experiences in aging.  If you are an older adult or know an older adult who would be willing to be featured in the video, please email Billie Breeden at


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Updated Mar 06, 2023 12:07 PM
Published Mar 06, 2023 12:04 PM