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Leadership Update from BC HHS: Saunders Takes On Role with NC Public Health

Saunders Departing as Buncombe County Public Health Director

Stacie Saunders, Buncombe County Public Health Director, will be leaving her post as the Health Director for Buncombe County Health and Human Services (BC HHS). Saunders will serve as the Deputy Director/Section Chief for Local and Community Support for North Carolina Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health. In her new role, she will work with all 86 Local Health Departments including Buncombe County.

During her tenure in Buncombe County, Saunders made great progress on several projects while managing the COVID-19 response, including rebuilding the Community Health Promotions section, creating the Public Health Mobile Team, and guiding Buncombe County Public Health through a successful accreditation process.

“This is an exciting time for me but also one filled with sadness as it is very hard to leave this Public Health staff, who have become very special to me. I consider those of us in Public Health a family. As a Public Health leader, I have always wanted to see growth for everyone I have had the pleasure and honor to serve as their Health Director. And now, it seems, it is time for me grow outside of local public health and explore this opportunity at the state level.”

Stacie Saunders last day with Buncombe County Government will be December 31, 2022. Buncombe County Health and Human Services will notify the public when additional information is available regarding this position.

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Updated Dec 29, 2022 07:58 AM
Published Nov 21, 2022 06:29 PM