This news item expired on Thursday, November 14, 2024 so the information below could be outdated or incorrect.
The Buncombe County Elder Justice Coalition has recorded a presentation called Friends Against Fraud which was originally developed by Guildford County. With a growing number of scams and frauds, it is more important than ever that our entire community understands what fraud is, the signs and symptoms, and what to do if someone you know is being scammed. This presentation is designed to address these issues. Topics included in this short video include:
- Helping individuals have a better understanding of scams and frauds
- Increasing a person’s confidence in talking with friends and family about fraud and abuse
- Increasing the likelihood that an individual would intervene to support a friend or loved one who may be at risk of or is currently being scammed.
- At the end of the presentation each participant is asked to take a pledge and be PALS against fraud by:
P: Protecting myself and informing FIVE people about Friends Against Fraud
A: Assessing each situation and being alert to potential threats
L: Listening and looking out for others
S: Supporting my friends by knowing the resources in my community
In addition to the video presentation above, the Buncombe County Aging and Adult Services staff offer community presentations in which the same topics are reviewed in greater detail. If your organization is interested in scheduling a presentation, please complete the below survey and one of the Elder Justice Coalition members will be in contact with you. Live presentations take one hour.
Presentation Survey: