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Buncombe Tax Hits 99.76% Collection Total Marking Improvement Over Previous Year

For Fiscal Year 2022, the Buncombe County Tax Collections brought in a net of $221,921,259. That total represents an impressive 99.76% collection rate, up from the previous fiscal year’s 99.66% rate. State law requires the Tax Collector to provide the Board of Commissioners an annual settlement of property tax collected from the previous fiscal year prior to beginning work on the current fiscal year. County Tax Collector Jennifer Pike provided Commissioners with that information during their meeting on Aug. 2.

“Property tax is the largest revenue source the County receives, and by achieving a high collection percentage, we’re ensuring funds are available for quality service delivery across Buncombe County,” noted Pike.

As of June 30, 2022, there remains $535,879 in uncollected tax for FY22, and efforts to collect the rest of those funds will continue. However, the 99.76% collection rate represents a significant effort by the County’s tax collection team. “The Tax Office may be the only interaction with the County for many people in the community, and we appreciate the opportunity to work with so many individuals and businesses. Our team works tirelessly to deliver compassionate, prompt, and accurate service to everyone we encounter,” said Pike. “We also managed approximately 2,600 payment arrangements last year, and I strongly encourage those interested in breaking their annual property taxes into multiple payments instead of one lump sum to contact us, we’re happy to help.”

Commissioners unanimously approved the annual property tax settlement for FY22 and the order of collection, which allows tax collections for FY23. To learn more about programs that allow for multiple payments, you can get in touch with the Tax Department here. For additional information about the County’s tax levy and collections, click here.

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Updated Dec 29, 2022 07:58 AM
Published Aug 02, 2022 05:40 PM