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Fight the Bite! Prevent Mosquito and Tick Borne Illnesses

Fight The Bite

Don’t let outdoor pests, like mosquitos and ticks, put a damper on your summer vibes. These blood-thirsty insects reproduce rapidly in the warmer months, making them unbearable nuisances when trying to enjoy some fun in the sun. But more than being annoying, they can also be dangerous. Both mosquitoes and ticks can carry bloodborne pathogens that cause serious illness when transmitted to people and pets. Thankfully, preventing bites from ticks and mosquitoes, and the diseases they carry is as simple as following a few easy steps.

Mosquito Prevention

Dog drinking water from a bowl


Mosquitoes reproduce in water, so Tip and Toss all the standing water in your yard to prevent mosquitoes, their bites, and their diseases. Common items that hold water outside include flower pots, gutters, tires, toys, dog bowls, bird baths, tree holes, and tarps.

Mosquito Dunk Rings

Mosquito dunks are a non-toxic, low-impact approach to killing mosquito larvae. Drop a mosquito dunk into standing water to treat the area for 30 days. Mosquito dunk rings are available for purchase at all major hardware stores.

DEET Repellent

Using repellent with DEET is highly effective at preventing bug bites so you can get back to having worry-free fun outside.

DEET repellents aren’t the only effective repellents though. Click here to see a list of repellents that will help you enjoy mosquito-free time outside this warm season.

For more information about mosquito prevention, click here.

Tick Prevention


Know Where Ticks Live

Ticks live in grassy, brushy, or wooded areas (so basically, all of Buncombe County).

Dress The Part

When going on any summertime adventure, keep ticks off your skin by tucking your pant legs into your socks, your shirt into your pants, and wear long sleeves, and a hat.

Treat Your Clothing and Gear

Experts recommend treating clothing with Permethrin, which is highly effective at repelling ticks. Learn more about this here.

For more information about tick prevention, click here.

Ticks and mosquitoes may be small but they cause big problems including mild to severe illness. Skip the inconvenience of dealing with these tiny critters by following these simple steps. Support a happy and healthy summer for your family and neighbors by Tipping and Tossing any standing water around your house and yard. This will reduce the number of mosquitoes in your neighborhood, guaranteeing a more pleasant summer for everyone. If you have additional questions about ticks or mosquitoes in Buncombe County, call Buncombe County Environmental Health at (828) 250-5016.

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Updated Jun 10, 2022 03:49 PM
Published Jun 06, 2022 04:42 PM