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Board of Commissioners Hears Reparations Commission Update

paper faces of many colors along with a reparations graphic

Following historic appointments to the Community Reparations Commission in March, the Board heard an update on the commission at their April 19 regular meeting. Project Manager Debra Clark Jones briefed the Board on the seating of the Commission, the planned first meeting, impact focus area subgroups, as well as introductions and strategic updates from the Project Management team.

“We are excited the work has commenced,” said Clark Jones. All 25 Commission appointments have been made with 7 alternates selected. The Project team is completing the onboarding of all Commission members and alternates, they are aiming to schedule the first meeting for the last week of April or first week in May. Once the Commission convenes, they will determine their meeting schedule moving forward.

Buncombe County and the City of Asheville will post meeting updates and decisions as the process continues. You can also keep track of the Community Reparations Commission’s timelines, meetings, and have opportunities to provide feedback at the reparations website.

The Community Reparations Commission is a joint effort with the City of Asheville, and it aims to explore ways to expand opportunities for Black homeownership, business growth, and other meaningful ways of investing in Black communities.


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Updated Apr 22, 2022 01:05 PM
Published Apr 19, 2022 07:15 PM