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Get Involved: How You Can Help Ukrainian War Refugees

“Any help is a blessing,” noted Pastor Leonty Ostapovich as he described the situation in his native Ukraine with the help of a translator during the Board of Commissioners’ meeting on March 1. As the residents of Ukraine face uncertainty during the Russian invasion, you might feel lost in regard to how you can help.

“In the 21st century, I never imagined we’d see such horrific events... over half a million refugees are fleeing from their homes,” lamented Pastor Ostapovich, who will soon be leaving for the border of Ukraine and Poland to work with an established group of pastors directly supporting Ukrainian refugees. 

If you are looking for ways to donate to Ukrainians, below you will find some ways to help through North Carolina-based and other organizations.

Ukrainian relief efforts

Alight: Alight has a rapid response team in Poland helping Ukrainians headed there. “If Ukrainian families can’t go home, Alight will help them to find peace and safety wherever they shelter,” Alight CEO Jocelyn Wyatt said via a press release. “We’re listening to what they need right now, and we’re working to make sure they have all the essentials.” Info:

Baptists on Mission: The NC-based group has long worked with Ukrainian groups, including in the Carpathian region since 2008 with the Roma Partnership. The groups are providing temporary housing for displaced families and food and supplies to families in Ukraine. Baptists on Mission is accepting monetary donations so that they can supply non-perishable food, toiletries, sleeping bags, mattresses, blankets and other essential needs for temporary housing. Give online at or by check: Baptists on Mission, P. O. Box 1107, Cary, NC 27512. Memo: Ukraine Crisis 

CARE: CARE is working with People In Need as their local European partner. “Give now to rush urgently needed water, food, hygiene kits, and ongoing support in Ukraine,” the website says. Info: and

Doctors Without Borders: “Access to health care remains limited for people living along the contact line of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, which has been ongoing since 2014,” the website says. Doctors Without Borders provides physical care, focusing on HIV and COVID treatment and prevention, and basic mental health care is offered to patients, too. Info:

GoFundMe:, an independent nonprofit that works closely with GoFundMe, established a Ukraine Humanitarian Fund. The nonprofit is working with many groups, including the U.S. Department of State and Global Giving, to identify organizations providing effective relief to those currently impacted by this crisis, according to a press release, and GoFundMe is verifying each fundraiser. Info:

International Medical Corps: Your donation can help expand access to medical and mental health services for those living in impacted communities, the website says. Info: internationalmedicalcorps

Nova Ukraine: This is a nonprofit organization “dedicated to raising awareness about Ukraine in the US and throughout the world and providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine,” the website says. Along with monetary donations, this organization is also asking for people to volunteer their time with projects like creating infographics and fundraisers. Info:

The Ukrainian Red Cross: “All funds will be used to help those in need, affected by armed conflict, blood collection, mobilization of volunteers and resources, and emergency activities,” the website says. Info:

UNICEF: “UNICEF is deeply concerned that intensifying hostilities in Ukraine pose an immediate threat to the lives and wellbeing of the country’s 7.5 million children,” Executive Director Catherine M. Russell said through a spokesperson. “Unless the fighting subsides, tens of thousands of families could be forcibly displaced, dramatically escalating humanitarian needs.” Info:

UNHCR: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is also known as the UN Refugee Agency. “You can help ensure that families fleeing violence around the world know they are not alone at the most devastating moment of their lives,” the website says. Info:


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Updated Oct 28, 2023 08:08 AM
Published Mar 02, 2022 08:10 AM