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Thank You to Election Services & Poll Workers

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Join us in thanking our Election Services staff and poll workers who put in the hard work to help administer the 2020 election. They come from every community and background. They are our neighbors, elders, college students, regular folks just like you and me.

We thank them for preparing voting locations from early voting through Election Day. They set up the tables, chairs, and voting booths. They unlock, distribute, set up, assign the computers for each workstation, and set up signage for the public.

We thank them for being safe and considering the safety of others during the pandemic.

We thank them for staying long after the polls close.

You helped a record-breaking 161,002 voters take part in the election process.

For your time and commitment, we thank you.

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Article Information

Updated Nov 12, 2020 12:26 PM
Published Nov 04, 2020 12:01 PM