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Parks Open with New Guidance

Hiker with camera on a log

Updated at 8 a.m. on September 4 to reflect playground openings.

Some areas remain closed including restrooms and picnic shelters. Paddle boat, water trike, and Jon boat rentals will not be available until further notice.

Staying physically active is one of the best ways to keep your mind and body healthy. Parks are open spaces to exercise for no or little cost, places for hurried individuals to reconnect with nature, and community areas to connect with neighbors and preserve culture. While these facilities and areas can offer mental and physical health benefits, it is important that you follow the steps below to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

Guidance for Park Visitors

  • Remember that ongoing community spread of COVID-19 continues. Practice the three Ws:
    • Wear a cloth face covering over your nose and mouth when you go out or are around others.
    • Wait at least six feet apart from and avoid close contact with others who do not live in your household.
    • Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer often.
  • Stay home if you are sick or exhibiting symptoms.
  • Wash your hands before leaving home and bring sanitizer or wipes, water, and sunscreen. No restrooms or water fountains are currently open.
  • Maintain at least six feet of physical distance between yourself and anyone who does not live in your household.
  • Outdoor gatherings are limited to 50 persons.
  • Playgrounds are subject to regular cleaning, but the virus that causes COVID-19 can spread when kids touch contaminated objects, and then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Picnic shelters remain closed.
  • Keep it moving when using trails and step aside to let others pass. At some parks, trails may be marked as one-way only.
  • Limit your park time so that others can also safely enjoy the space.
  • Pack out all trash, leftover food, and litter to help minimize invasive species, bank erosion, and water pollution.
  • Let us know how you’re enjoying your parks! Tag Recreation Services on Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag #IHeartBCParks.

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Article Information

Updated Mar 24, 2021 09:05 AM
Published May 08, 2020 09:41 AM