This news item expired on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 so the information below could be outdated or incorrect.

From Buncombe County Sheriff's Office:
The Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office has released four Jail Dashboards that are now available to the public for view 24-hours a day.
“The data contained in these dashboards has been available to law enforcement, judges, and the D.A.’s office and in my opinion it is now time to make this information available to the residents of Buncombe County,” says Buncombe County Sheriff Quentin Miller.
These dashboards are the first of their kind to be made publicly available by a Sheriff’s Office in North Carolina. Citizens will be able to see the average daily population of inmates at the Buncombe County Detention Facility, the pretrial length of stay by charge type, and other data. The dashboards will update weekly.
Current Daily Population
Daily Population Trends
Booking and Release Trends
Pretrial Length of Stay
“As we move to be open and transparent in our operations then hopefully efforts such as this will build trust between the community and the Sheriff’s Office. There are many reforms of our criminal justice system that are necessary and the first step in any process of reform must be that all parties are operating with the same information as we seek to find solutions,” says Sheriff Miller.
In order to help the public navigate this newly available data the Sheriff’s Office has also created a FAQ doc within the dashboards. In the upper right corner, click on About Dashboard to access that info.