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One Decision Could Change Your Life

Buncombe County partnered with students from Asheville High School to create a video to raise awareness about opioid addiction and prevention. "The Student Opioid Awareness Group," came together after school nurses saw that there were opioid prescriptions being brought into the school by students injured from a sports affliction or from a recent dentist visit.

When the student awareness group learned that early opioid use increased the risk of post-high-school opioid misuse three-fold, and 80% of heroin users started with prescribed opioids, they wanted to do something about it. They partnered with a coalition of school nurses to create an awareness video for their peers.

This fantastic video was created by:

  • Max Baur – Writer/Director/Sound
  • Sam Zeilender – Videographer
  • Anna Johnson – Actor
  • Cameron Robinson – Development

The video shows that you can be one decision away from a choice that could change your life forever. Be a self-advocate for a safer choice.  Students and parents should be aware of the importance of self-advocacy in dealing with prescription painkillers. When you go to a doctor/dentist and are prescribed an opioid ask if there is a safer, non-addictive option that is available.

Addiction is a disease that can happen to anyone. When someone is experiencing addiction it can often feel overwhelming and hopeless, but there are resources and support in our community to help. If you or someone you know is impacted by addiction, visit for information on alternative pain treatments, recovery and support resources, and more.




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Updated Dec 18, 2017 10:19 AM
Published Oct 04, 2017 12:00 AM